2018 Health Workforce Research Symposium

On October 2, 2018, policy leaders and workforce researchers gathered to discuss key issues influencing the health workforce. Researchers from 6 health workforce research centers presented work related to value-based care, workforce development programs targeting the underserved, and health workforce roles in opioid misuse prevention and treatment. This video highlights the work presented at the event. For more information on the studies, please visit the centers’ websites:

Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center

Slides: Innovative Approaches to Growing the Behavioral Health Workforce: The Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program

Carolina Health Workforce Research Center

Slides: Defining and Measuring Value in the Health Workforce

GW Health Workforce Research Center

Slides: Summary of 2017-2018 Studies

Oral Health Workforce Research Center

Slides: Assessing Impacts of Training Opportunities in the Safety Net For Dental Students and Residents

UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care

Slides: The Aging US Population: The Potential of New Workers and New Roles to Achieve High-Value Care

University of Washington Center for Health Workforce Studies

Slides: An Expanded View of Value-Based Care: The Role of Allied Health Professionals
October 2, 2018

9 minutes

On October 2, 2018, policy leaders and workforce researchers gathered to discuss key issues influencing the health workforce. Researchers from 6 health workforce research centers presented work related to value-based care, workforce development programs targeting the underserved, and health workforce roles in opioid misuse prevention and treatment.

October 2, 2018

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