Dr. Shawnda Schroeder is an Educator Scholar in the Department of Indigenous Health located within the University of North Dakota’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences. In this role she teaches PhD candidates in qualitative methods, quantitative methods, mixed methods, and program evaluation as they related to Indigenous public health while conducting scholarly research. Prior to this role, Dr. Schroeder was the Associate Director of Research and Evaluation and a Research Associate Professor at the Center for Rural Health, also located at the University of North Dakota’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dr. Schroeder’s research relates to health equity with a focus on access to care and utilization of services. Her area of expertise center of mental health and oral health equity. Dr. Schroeder is the Grand Challenge Champion for the Rural Health and Communities Grand Challenge, is an elected member of the Research Committee for the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences, is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Rural Health, and is the recent recipient of the UND Award for Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Research and Creative Activity for her work on the Behavioral Health Bridge.