Team‐based care involving physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) is one recommended strategy for improving access and quality and reducing cost in the patient‐centered medical home (PCMH). PAs and NPs can, and do, perform a variety of roles on primary care teams. This suggests that there is plasticity within the professions and between PAs,…
Effective health workforce planning requires a basic understanding about the supply and demand for health workers. This webinar presents strategies used in three states—Florida, New York, and California—to monitor demand for health workers using employer surveys.
Timely and reliable data about the health workforce is critical to effective health workforce planning. The Health Workforce Minimum Dataset (MDS), developed by the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis, provides guidance on key variables to include in health workforce surveys, including demographic, educational, and practice characteristics. This presentation provides an overview of the MDS,…
The distribution of practicing physicians tends to be more concentrated in urban areas and less concentrated in rural areas. Understanding patterns of how physicians tend to migrate from place to place is important for determining local supply. This article compares physician data from the 2006 and 2011 American Medical Association Masterfile to help understand what…