Evolving Delivery Models for Dental Care Services in Long-Term Care Settings: 4 State Case Studies

Individuals living in long-term care (LTC) facilities or receiving in-home care (IHC), are significantly more likely to have poorer oral health status compared to individuals living independently. Despite this increased risk, provision of dental services in LTC settings is limited. As the Baby Boomer Generation ages into LTC, the number of individuals requiring dental care…

Education, Certification, and Roles of Peer Providers: Lessons from Four States

Peer providers are individuals hired to provide direct support to those undertaking mental health (MH) or substance use disorder (SUD) recovery, often referred to in the literature as “consumers.” The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines a peer provider as “a person who uses his or her lived experience of recovery from…

Utilization of Oral Health Services by Medicaid-Insured Adults in Oklahoma, 2012-2013

While Medicaid dental coverage for children is relatively consistent across the 50 states, dental benefits for Medicaid-enrolled adults vary significantly from state to state. As a result of the recent economic recession, many states have moved to limit Medicaid expenditures for dental care. As of 2012, 22 states, including Oklahoma, either offer no adult dental…

Pathways for Military Veterans to Enter Healthcare Careers

Over the next 5 years, approximately 1.5 million military service members will separate from the military. As a growing industry, healthcare may hold job opportunities, especially for entry level allied health positions, that are ideal for military veterans transitioning into the civilian sector. Anecdotal evidence suggests that many veterans, including those with healthcare experience, have…

The Behavioral Health Workforce Need for Integration with Primary Care: Information for Health Workforce Planning

Across the US, the integration of behavioral health with primary care likely will take place under different models, at varying rates, and to varying degrees. Developing the behavioral health workforce needed for integration requires ongoing resources (including data and analysis, planning, policies, and funding) with support needed at the national, state and community levels. This…

A Methodology for Using Workforce Data to Decide which Specialties and States to Target for GME Expansion

Congressional proposals to expand graduate medical education (GME) have set a goal of funding 3,000 new postgraduate year-1 (PGY1) slots for 5 years for a total of 15,000 new residency positions. Proposed legislation has suggested that the Workforce Commission, the Health Research and Services Administration (HRSA), and the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) provide input…

Physical and Occupational Therapy in the Acute and Community Settings Following Stroke: Are Patients Getting the Care They Need?

Stroke survivors who are given early contact with a physical and/or occupational therapist following their stroke improves their outcomes for recovery. The majority of stroke survivors are discharged home following an acute care admission. Understanding the care pathway from the acute to community setting and continuity of therapy across settings is extremely important to the…

Counting Physicians in Specialties: By What They Do or How They Train?

The number of actively practicing physicians and the number of physicians needed to meet demand in a particular specialty area depend on how physicians are counted (for example, area of training vs area of practice). The way physicians are counted has a major impact on our understanding of specialty shortages in particular areas and policy…

Dental Hygiene Professional Practice Index by State, 2014

The Center for Health Workforce Studies (CHWS) developed a numerical scope of practice index for the dental hygiene profession called the 2001 Dental Hygiene Professional Practice Index (DHPPI) under a contract with the the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Scope of practice for dental hygienists has…

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