Health Workforce Analysis Guide, 2016 Edition

Developed for health workforce planners, policymakers, and researchers, this guide provides a better understanding of available health workforce data and how to use these data to conduct health workforce research. The guide covers a wide array of topics, including basic health workforce research terminology and methods and special challenges associated with conducting health workforce research….

Workforce Planning & Development in Times of Delivery System Transformation: The Stories of Kaiser Permanente and Montefiore Health System

Many health systems are taking bold measures to reorganize how they deliver care in response to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The authors focused on 2 very different health systems, Kaiser Permanente and Montefiore Health System, to better understand how they are adapting to and planning for workforce changes in the post-ACA…

Few Hospital Palliative Care Programs Meet National Staffing Recommendations

As the aging population increases, the need for palliative care to address serious and chronic illnesses has also increased. However, there is little research on whether palliative care programs meet national staffing guidelines. This article describes an analysis of self-reported operational data on hospital-based palliative care programs from the 2012–13 annual voluntary surveys of the…

Characteristics of Veterans in Allied Health Care Occupations

There are approximately 20 million military veterans in the United States, among which 4.6 million are from the post-9/11 period of service. One study found that healthcare is the third most common industry in which male veterans work, and healthcare occupations are among the fastest growing opportunities for male veterans. Among Gulf War veterans, male…

Expanded Scopes of Practice for Dental Hygienists Associated with Improved Oral Health Outcomes for Adults

Dental hygienists are valued members of the oral health team, providing preventative and prophylactic services while also educating patients in oral health care. However, state policies concerning the scope of practice (SOP) for dental hygienists create limitations on the tasks that they are legally allowed to perform, which ultimately impacts access to needed oral health…

Utilization of Oral Health Services by Medicaid-Insured Adults in New York, 2012-2013

Demand for dental residency and dental student externship opportunities has grown in recent years, driven by the economy for dental employment and the desire of students for increased market competitiveness. In addition to specialty residencies, some states now also require that general dentists complete a year of advanced education in general dentistry before licensure. The…

Comparing the Socioeconomic Well-Being of Workers Across Healthcare Occupations

Researchers analyzed 2015 data from an ongoing monthly household survey called the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS). This report investigates the socioeconomic well-being, including occupation-skill match, financial situation, and reliance on state/federal assistance programs, among individuals working in healthcare.ArrayReport Array 1, 2016Array, Array, Array, Array, Array December 1, 2016

Dementia-Capable Care Coordination in Duals Demonstration Programs: Workforce Needs

Coordinating care for dementia patients who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid can be complex as they involve program requirements, workforce competencies, and other barriers. As the aging population increases, more attention will need to be paid to new and potentially effective care coordination practices. This article describes a mixed-methods study that reviewed policy…

A Methodology for Using Workforce Data to Decide Which Specialties and States to Target for Graduate Medical Education Expansion

Many health workforce models project shortages in multiple specialties. Graduate medical education could be expanded or redistributed to help fill these shortages if training positions are allocated appropriately. This article presents an objective, evidence-based methodology that could be used to allocate thousands of new graduate medical education slots by state and specialty to address projected…

Developing Physician Migration Estimates for Workforce Models

The rate at which physicians migrate from one state to another varies both between and within specialties. A better understanding of the migration patterns within specialties would help improve workforce projections. This article describes a comparison between physicians in the 2009 American Medical Association Masterfile data and those in the 2013 file to help estimate…

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