There is a distinct need for a flexible ambulatory care workforce that possesses core clinical and practice management competencies, but is also nimble in its ability to adapt to new innovations. This requires programs that can facilitate continuous learning of new skill sets needed to keep pace with emerging federal and state policies that are…
Improving the racial and ethnic diversity of the nation’s dentists is critical in efforts to reduce disparities in access to care and health outcomes and to better address the oral health needs of an increasingly diverse US population. The Hispanic/Latino (H/L) dentist workforce, in particular, is disproportionately small compared with the rapidly growing and historically…
Many nursing homes have adopted health information technology (HIT) to help improve quality of care and staff productivity. However, it has been unclear as to whether HIT systems have had the intended effect on staff productivity and patient outcomes. This report describes a study utilizing a literature review as well as interviews and focus groups…
In the United States, blacks experience large disparities in both access to dental and oral health status. In addition, Black dentists are underrepresented within the overall dental workforce, and care for a disproportionate share of black patients. This article describes the black dentist workforce, the practice patterns of providers, and their contributions to dental health…
As the aging population and the demand for long-term care services increases, more information will be needed about what factors contribute to stress, burnout, and retention of long-term care (LTC) workers. This report describes a study that utilized data from the American Time Use Survey from 2003-2014 to compare how LTC workers and other health…
Improving the racial and ethnic diversity of the nation’s dentists is critical in efforts to reduce disparities in access to care and health outcomes and to better address the oral health needs of an increasingly diverse US population. The American Indian/ Alaska Native (AI/AN) dentist workforce, in particular, is disproportionately small compared to the overall…
Despite initiatives at the local, state, and federal levels, the underrepresentation of Blacks, Hispanic/Latinos (H/L), and American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) among dentists persists. Improving workforce diversity promotes social justice and also increases access, health equity, and health care quality, particularly for minority populations. This article quantifies the shortage of underrepresented minority (URM) dentists and their…
Most states that collect health workforce supply data follow Minimum Data Set (MDS) guidelines on the questions they ask. However, some states collect additional data on their health workforce. This brief summarizes state health workforce data collection efforts that go beyond the MDS.
Paraprofessionals and other behavioral health technicians have been increasingly recognized for their key role in mitigating provider shortages and increasing behavioral health care access to underserved youth and minority populations. Therefore, it is important to understand the procedures, processes, and services these providers are authorized to provide, as outlined by a scope of practice (SOP)….
A behavioral health workforce Minimum Data Set (MDS) was developed through a collaborative process with the Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center (BHWRC) research team and partner Consortium. An MDS instrument with 5 main themes was constructed to include numerous data elements to describe workforce size, composition, and characteristics of the behavioral health workforce, which was…