COVID-19 and the Health Workforce

Virtually all fields of the health workforce have been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Different states and health organizations responded to these challenges using a variety of different strategies and adjustments. The pandemic has also highlighted the need for a strong health workforce. This article summarizes the other articles in the research supplement and…

Health Professions Regulation in the US

A key goal of health reform in the US is to improve population health through expanded access to health insurance. Demand for high-quality, cost-effective, basic health services is anticipated to grow, particularly for underserved populations. However, there is also growing concern about the impact of health professions scope of practice on access, quality, and cost…

Diversity of the US Public Health Workforce Pipeline (2016–2020): Role of Academic Institutions

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted existing structural racism that widened gaps in access to care and health outcomes, disproportionately affecting racial and ethnic minorities. Research has shown that a racially and ethnically diverse workforce can be instrumental in addressing disparities. Lack of diversity in the public health workforce can occur from several factors, including underrepresentation of…

Health Workforce Issues in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Populations

The Indian Health Service (IHS) provides federal healthcare that his specific to the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) population. Because the vast majority of AI/ANs do not belong to federally recognized tribes and other factors limiting the accessibility of IHS services, a better understanding of how AI/ANs obtain healthcare outside the IHS is needed. This brief…

State Health Workforce Data Collection Inventory

The State Health Workforce Data Collection Inventory describes findings from a survey about data collection on health workforce supply (eg, demographic, education, and practice characteristics of health professionals), demand (eg, vacancies and employer recruitment and retention difficulties), and the education pipeline (eg, graduation rates and trainee/graduate characteristics). The data collection survey is ongoing and the…

The Impact of COVID-19 on Registered Nurse Education Programs in New York and Utah

Registered nursing is one of the largest licensed health care professions in the US, and the registered nurse (RN) workforce continues to grow. However, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had significant impacts on the RN workforce as well as the RN educational pipeline. In 2020 a series of questions about COVID-19 was added to annual…

Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Older Adults: Marriage and Family Therapist and Mental Health Counselor Medicare Inclusion

Older adults increasingly experience social isolation, anxiety, and depression due to the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Marriage and family therapists as well as mental health counselors are essential for meeting the behavioral health needs of older adults, but their services are not covered by Medicare. This article describes current Medicare legislation when it…

Health Professions Education Program Outcomes, 2011-2020

This chartbook uses data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) to describe education program outcomes for 32 health professions between the years 2011 and 2020. It contains information on the number of awards conferred and the gender and race/ethnicity of individuals completing the programs.  ArrayReport Array 12, 2022Array, Array, Array, Array, Array December…

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