Competencies, Training Needs, and Turnover Among Rural Compared With Urban Local Public Health Practitioners: 2021 Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the US public health workforce. High turnover of local health department (LHD) personnel has created concerns about workforce needs and capacity. This strain has been particularly alarming among rural LHDs due to an historical lack of investment and limited workforce capacity compared to their urban counterparts. This article compares rural…

Defining a Long-term Care Workforce Shortage Designation: A Conceptual Approach

The United States faces a considerable shortage of workers in the long-term care sector at a time when more Americans are living longer. In the next 7 years, an estimated 73 million Americans will be aged 65 and over, equal to 21% of the population.However, research on long-term care (LTC) workforce shortages generally lacks the…

Variation in Teledentistry Regulation by State

Teledentistry is the use of information and communication technology to deliver virtual oral health services in real time (synchronous) or through store-and-forward (asynchronous) methods. Regulatory guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic facilitated the swift adoption and expansion of teledentistry. However, considerable variability in regulation of teledentistry by states limits the ability of clinicians to provide virtual…

Are DEA-waivered Buprenorphine Prescribers Co-located With Behavioral Health Clinicians?

Medication is increasingly used to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) in primary care. It incorporates medication (ie, buprenorphine) with behavioral therapy and/or psychosocial services. Targeted planning for co-location of DEA-waivered buprenorphine prescribers and behavioral health (BH) clinicians could increase the use of MOUD. Presently, less than half of all waivered prescribers, outside of hospitals, are…

Health Professions Education Program Outcomes, 2011-2020

This chartbook uses data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) to describe education program outcomes for 32 health professions between the years 2011 and 2020. It contains information on the number of awards conferred and the gender and race/ethnicity of individuals completing the programs. 

Compendium of Federal Data Sources to Support Health Workforce Analysis

This compendium provides a summary of 45 federal data sources that can be used to support health workforce analysis. The compendium was prepared by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s National Center for Health Workforce Analysis (NCHWA) and the Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC). 

HWRCs’ Annual Report, 2022

The 2022 HWRCs’ Annual Report captures all of the HRSA-sponsored work conducted by the HWRCs throughout the past year. Topics include COVID-19, burnout, telehealth, health equity, and more! This year the report also includes a “Study Highlights” section that features an especially relevant or well received research project from each center.

Pharmacists Colocated with Primary Care Physicians: Teaming up for Patient Access

Despite evidence supporting the integration of pharmacists in team-based primary care, little evidence exists on the colocation of pharmacists with primary care physicians (PCPs) in the United States and even less information exists on the factors associated with these models in primary care. Increasing the colocation of pharmacists and PCPs gives practitioners greater ability to…

The Impact of COVID-19 on Registered Nurse Education Programs in New York and Utah

Registered nursing is one of the largest licensed health care professions in the US, and the registered nurse (RN) workforce continues to grow. However, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had significant impacts on the RN workforce as well as the RN educational pipeline. In 2020 a series of questions about COVID-19 was added to annual…

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