Evidence supports that integrated behavioral health care improves patient outcomes. Colocation, where health and behavioral health providers work in the same physical space, is a key element of integration, but national rates of colocation are unknown. This article establishes national colocation rates and analyzes variation by primary care provider (PCP) type, practice size, rural/urban setting,…
Social workers are increasingly employed as part of integrated health teams. However, little is known about what barriers to practice social worker face as part of these interprofessional teams and their practice settings. This article describes a study that surveyed 395 social workers across the country who were employed as part of integrated health teams…
As one of the largest groups of clinically trained mental health providers in the United States, social workers are increasingly deployed on integrated health teams to address patients’ social determinants of health and provide behavioral health interventions. However, information about the specific content of social work practice in new models of healthcare is limited, and…
More social workers in primary care clinics now work as part of integrated behavioral healthcare (IBH) teams. Understanding how many of these social workers are co-located with primary care physicians is important to ensure that planning and training align with current models of care. This article described a review of the data on social worker…
The number of Doctor of Nursing practice-prepared nurses (DNPs) is expected to grow in the coming years as more graduates enter the workforce. However, the role of DNPs outside of academic settings is not well understood. This article described a study conducted using a survey of DNP programs as well as interviews with employers to…
Policies that support graduate medical education (GME) have goals of increasing the proportion of program graduates who remain in generalist practice and, for pediatrics, in subspecialties supported through the Children’s Hospital Graduate Medical Education Program. Policy attention has also focused on promoting practice in primary care health professional shortage areas, and in rural and micropolitan…
Due to adjustments in health insurance and payment models, healthcare delivery systems are changing rapidly. Unfortunately, many health professionals have not been trained to properly take on these changes in delivery. This article describes strategies for how academic health centers can be utilized to retrain members of the existing health workforce to best adjust to…
Providing integrated behavioral health services in primary care is now considered a priority for health systems as 60–80% of all primary care visits include a behavioral health component. Integrated care typically involves behavioral healthcare workers, such as social workers and psychologists, working on teams with primary care providers to help address behavioral health and social…
Co-location of physical and behavioral health is important to integrated care as it facilitates provider communication and continuity of care. However, given the increases in behavioral health and integrated care, our understanding of factors associated with co-location is outdated. This brief describes an update to a past study conducted in 2010 that examined co-location data…
Title VII, Section 747, of the Public Health Service Act directs funding to medical schools and residency programs to strengthen the primary care workforce in underserved communities. Previous research found that physicians who attended a Title VII funded medical school were more likely to practice in primary care, locate in underserved communities, practice in community…