Using CMS Data for Health Workforce Research

This webinar provides an overview of how to use Medicare claims and other Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) data to conduct health workforce research. Presenters discuss key files that are available, considerations and limitations of different data sources, options for data access, and potential linkages to other data sets. Research examples are also…

Long-Term Pandemic Impacts on Practice Orientations and Labor Relations for Registered Nurses

While many have documented the enduring impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health workforce shortages and turnover, few have considered the changes it may bring about for providers and their practices. This webinar discusses experiences of registered nurses during the pandemic and their changed understanding of what it means to be ā€œa good nurseā€.

The Changing Public Health Workforce

A well-trained public health workforce is the linchpin to addressing current and future public health challenges, but achieving this goal requires a significant overhaul of recruiting, hiring, training, and retaining staff. This webinar provides an introduction to the public health workforce, focusing on challenges that the workforce has faced since the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics covered…

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