Medical Staffing Organization and Quality of Care Outcomes in Post-Acute Care Settings

Medical providers are significant drivers of care in post-acute long-term care settings, yet little research has examined the medical provider workforce and its role in ensuring quality of care. This article examines the impact of nursing home medical staffing organization dimensions on the quality of care in US nursing homes. Respondents who reported having a…

COVID-19 & the Health Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a profound impact on the health workforce in the United States. Current issues facing the health workforce include vaccine mandates, workforce shortages, and resiliency of the workforce in the face of burnout. At the same time, while some of the changes to state and federal laws regarding the delivery…

Racial Disparities in Financial Security, Work and Leisure Activities, and Quality of Life Among the Direct Care Workforce

Personal care, home health, and nursing aides provide the majority of care to chronically ill and disabled older adults. This workforce faces challenging working conditions, resulting in high turnover and workforce instability that affect the quality of care for older adults. This study adds to the literature by examining racial and ethnic disparities in well-being…

The Role of Schedule Volatility in Home Health Nursing Turnover

Despite considerable research on nursing turnover, few studies have considered turnover among nurses working in home health care. Between 2016 and 2019, the average annual separation rate of home health nurses was over 30%, with most separations occurring voluntarily. Schedule volatility and turnover were positively associated for full-time nurses, but not for part-time nurses. This…

Workforce Displacement and Re-employment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Direct Care Workforce Recruitment and Retention

Demand is rising for direct care workers (including personal care aides, home health aides, and nursing assistants), but recruitment and retention challenges are widespread. While the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly exacerbated these challenges, it has also created a new labor pool of millions of workers who have been displaced from occupations with similar entry-level requirements….

Investing In A 21st Century Health Workforce: A Call For Accountability

Due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic, the American Rescue Plan and the CARES act have provided major increases to healthcare funding. However, planning and accountability are needed to ensure that this new funding is spent responsibly and equitably to address the nation’s most pressing health needs. This article provides recommendations for organizations to…

The Association of Race, Ethnicity, and Wages Among Registered Nurses in Long-Term Care

Registered nurses (RNs) are the largest licensed health profession in the US and a key component of the long-term care (LTC) workforce. RNs who work in LTC settings earn less than those who work in hospitals and Black and Hispanic RNs employed in urban hospitals earn less than White and Asian nurses, even after controlling…

COVID-19 and the Health Workforce

Virtually all fields of the health workforce have been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Different states and health organizations responded to these challenges using a variety of different strategies and adjustments. The pandemic has also highlighted the need for a strong health workforce. This article summarizes the other articles in the research supplement and…

Characteristics of Multiple Job Holders in Long-term Care

Health care workers in long-term care (LTC) settings often face financial security concerns due to low wages, inconsistent hours, and lack of benefits. As a result, there are higher rates of LTC workers who hold multiple jobs, which can increase workers’ exposure to COVID-19. Because COVID-19 is an especially serious threat to the frail elderly,…

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