Moral Distress Among Clinicians Working in US Safety Net Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study

News photos and stories of health professionals in intensive care units overflowing with ill patients have been among the most iconic images of the COVID-19 pandemic. These clinicians have shown physical and emotional exhaustion, and also claim to be morally distressed by witnessing and participating in patients’ care and deaths in sheer numbers under circumstances…

Moral Distress Among Clinicians Working in US Safety Net Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study

News photos and stories of health professionals in intensive care units overflowing with ill patients have been among the most iconic images of the COVID-19 pandemic. These clinicians have shown physical and emotional exhaustion, and also claim to be morally distressed by witnessing and participating in patients’ care and deaths in sheer numbers under circumstances…

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