The Use of Community Health Workers in Community Health Centers

Community health centers (CHCs) are the cornerstone of primary care for 29 million people, most of whom are low-income, underserved, and live in rural populations. Until 2016, CHCs reported community health workers (CHWs) as part of their overall enabling services workforce, making it difficult to report CHW use in the annual Uniform Data System (UDS)….

The Use of Interpreters in Health Centers: A Mixed-Methods Analysis

Health centers provide primary care to millions of patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) through language service programs. Approximately 25% of 30 million patients who received care at health centers in 2019 had LEP and needed interpreters when clinicians and other staff were not fluent in their language. This article examines interpreter use in health…

The Use of Interpreters in Health Centers: A Mixed-Methods Analysis

Health centers provide primary care to millions of patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) through language service programs. Approximately 25% of 30 million patients who received care at health centers in 2019 had LEP and needed interpreters when clinicians and other staff were not fluent in their language. This article examines interpreter use in health…

The Use of Community Health Workers in Community Health Centers

Community health centers (CHCs) are the cornerstone of primary care for 29 million people, most of whom are low-income, underserved, and live in rural populations. Until 2016, CHCs reported community health workers (CHWs) as part of their overall enabling services workforce, making it difficult to report CHW use in the annual Uniform Data System (UDS)….

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