An Introduction to Accessing, Understanding, and Using Medicaid Data for HPSA Analysis

Medicaid claims data are increasingly used in shortage designation analyses. The panelists discuss their experiences in acquiring Medicaid claims data, cleaning the data, identifying provider specialty, and defining visits. The webinar includes a discussion with PCO participants on their experiences using Medicaid claims data.

Introduction to the Health Workforce Analysis Guide, Part 2: Secondary Data Sources for Health Workforce Research – Examples, Strengths, and Limitations

The 2016 edition of the Health Workforce Analysis Guide was developed by the Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center to provide an updated framework for health workforce planners, policymakers, and researchers interested in health workforce data and analysis. This webinar, the second in a 2-part series, provides an overview of secondary data sources available to health…

Policy Analysis for Project Officers

Project Officers (POs) at HRSA work with grantees who operate grant funded programs designed to support HRSA’s mission of improving health and achieving health equity. This webinar describes the steps in the process of conducting a policy analysis as well as strategies for disseminating results of these analyses. Understanding the process of policy analysis allows…

Developing Medicaid-Based Primary Care Rational Service Areas

The Center for Health Workforce Studies in collaboration with the New York State Department of Health developed a statewide set of Medicaid-based rational service areas (Medicaid RSAs), based on commuting patterns of Medicaid patients from their place of residence to their provider. Medicaid RSAs were assessed using a deprivation score based on demographic and health…

Using Employer Surveys to Assess Health Workforce Demand

Effective health workforce planning requires a basic understanding about the supply and demand for health workers. This webinar presents strategies used in three states—Florida, New York, and California—to monitor demand for health workers using employer surveys.

Community Health Planning: Theory and Practice

States require community health assessments at a county or at a public health district level to identify population health needs and ultimately develop strategies to address those needs. Under the ACA, hospitals are now required to develop community health assessments to maintain their not-for-profit status. This webinar describes the steps to develop a community health…

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