Policy refers to the decisions, plans, and actions undertaken to achieve specific goals. Policy may relate to scope of professional practice, allocations of funding, educational programming, and many other components that influence the health workforce.

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FAQs About Policy
How easy is it to get licensure boards to add or change questions?
This will vary from state to state. It is important to remain cognizant of a) the financial cost to the board to change online renewal questions; b) the time that it takes respondents to complete their licensure renewal form; and c) the need for comparability across time. Only request changes or additions when absolutely necessary.
Some states mandate the collection of data through legislation, which affects how easy it is to add or change questions. For example, Florida’s data collection is legislated, and any question must go through a lengthy public comment period to be added or changed. This process has the potential to subject questions to bias from the public and special interest groups.
How do you work with licensure boards to collect and share data?
Relationships are key. Licensure boards are important partners in health workforce data collection, but their main priority is regulation to protect patient safety. They often don’t have resources (ie, funding, staff, time) to collect additional data, and in some states, current legislation restricts their ability to share data.
Show the boards the value of collecting additional workforce data as it relates to evidence-based regulation, and look for ways to minimize their burden, especially during the initial development period. Treat them as a valued partner and bring them into the conversation very early to build trust.